Vision Australia Limited ABN 67 108 391 831 (Vision Australia), incorporated on 11 May 2004 as a public company limited by guarantee. Vision Australia is registered as a Charity with the Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission (“ACNC”). Vision Australia holds Deductible Recipient Status with the Australian Taxation Office.
Pursuant to the Vision Australia Constitution, the Company’s purposes are:
- to provide assistance to people who are Blind or have Low Vision to gain access to, and fully participate in, all facets of life they choose, and
- to remove the barriers that prevent those who are Blind or who have Low Vision from enjoying equal access, equal opportunities, equal participation and equal mobility within the community.
The Vision Australia Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring that Vision Australia has an appropriate corporate governance structure with accountability and control systems in place.
Find out more about our Board of Directors here.
Vision Australia supports the principles of the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Principles of Good Corporate Governance and Best Practice Recommendations (ASX Principles) as they apply to a Not for Profit organisation with the scope of operation of Vision Australia.
As a public company, limited by guarantee, Vision Australia complies with the Corporations Act 2001, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 as well as all other applicable laws and statutes.
Vision Australia
ABN 67 108 391 831
Revised up to 4 December 2013
Vision Australia’s Constitution is the key document that governs Vision Australia.
Please see below to download the Word version of Vision Australia's Constitution (last revised May 2023).
Board Committees and the Vision Australia Foundation
To assist the Board in fulfilling its duties it has established three committees:
- Audit, Finance & Business Risk Committee
- Client Services Committee
- People and Culture Committee
Each committee has a formal charter copies of which are available below.
In addition to the Committees listed above, Vision Australia is the sole beneficial owner of the assets of the Vision Australia Trust. The Vision Australia Foundation is the Trustee of the Trust and operates pursuant to the Trust Deed and a Charter established by Vision Australia for the conduct of the Trustee.
Committee and Vision Australia Foundation Board Composition
Find out more about the Vision Australia Foundation Board Directors and Committee members here.
Board and Committee Charters
- AFR committee charter (Word, 172KB)
- Board charter (Word, 164KB)
- Client reference group charter (Word, 74KB)
- Client services committee charter (Word, 26KB)
- People and Culture charter (Word, 30KB)
- Vision Australia Foundation as trustee for Vision Australia trust charter (Word, 178KB)