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Part of Vision Australia Library's mission is to help children who have vision loss to learn and develop in a unique, sensory way to support their lifelong literacy and learning.

Vision Australia's Feelix Library currently provides young members with storybook kits containing a brailled and tactile copy of a book, an audio CD reading and describing the book, and tactile toys and objects for children to interact with.

We are thrilled to be introducing the Let's Grow Seed Library to encourage Library members to get involved in the exciting world of gardening.

When children join the Let’s Grow program, they will receive one seed growing kit every three months for one year (four kits per year).

"One of the Let's Grow kit featuring a packet of seeds, a pot, and some soil.
One of the Let's Grow kits featuring a packet of seeds, a pot, and some soil.

This kit will be sent via post, and has everything needed to grow the seeds. The seeds will be a surprise – but they have been selected for planting seasonally and in our first year it will always be something edible.

Clients will keep the planted seed to look after, and return the rest of the kit back to us.

We are excited to see this initiative grow over the coming years as well as seeing the fruits of your labours.

Let's Grow! Seed Library

Find out more about the new program, and how to join.

Let's Grow! Seed Library page