Beau is not a child who is blind or has low vision, but he does have a keen intellect and, when given the opportunity to pick a subject to study for an upcoming project, he decided to pursue his interest in the history of Braille and its creator, Louis Braille.
So it was that he did some research and located his local Vision Australia office and popped in to see what information he could acquire.
Kirsty, one of the local Orientation & Mobility Specialists in that office, took the time to sit with Beau and provide not only the information he was after, but also the opportunity to try some braille input for himself.
PD: Beau using a Perkins Brailler.
After a short time, Beau had pieced together several sentences. Kirsty then provided him with further information to help him with his project.
PD: Beau holds up his finished Braille typing while smiling.
Beau got home and set to work with the new information that he had. He then produced this wonderful presentation pictured below:
PD: Beau's Presentation, showing various text and pictures exploring the life of Louis Braille.
PD: The second half of Beau's presentation.
Beau's hard work did pay off in the end. After presenting it, he has been awarded with three different awards:
- A Pride of Excellence Award
- A High Distinction Award
- And finally, a Principal's Award
PD: Beau in a car, smiling with two of his awards for his Louis Braille project
Beau has shown great initiative in his research project about Louis Braille, and he should be commended for that alone. We can't wait to see what he goes on to study into the future.