If you’re a listener to Vision Australia Radio content, tell us what you think and you could be one of 10 lucky winners to go home with an Amazon Echo Dot.
The Alexa-powered smart speaker is a voice-activated personal assistant, a hugely useful companion for anyone who is blind or has low vision.
To be in the running, we’re looking for your feedback on what you’ve enjoyed hearing from Vision Australia Radio over the past year.
Do you have a favourite program or presenter? What would you like to hear more of, or less of? How could the radio support you better? We want to hear it all: the good, the bad and the ugly.
Photo: The Amazon Echo Dot smart speaker with Alexa.
The 2021 Vision Australia Radio Listener Survey is now live and hopes to capture how your listening habits have changed over the COVID-19 pandemic.
Vision Australia Radio manager Conrad Browne says this feedback will inform the station’s future content.
“We want to make sure that if there is some new program ideas out there or things that people would like to hear on Vision Australia radio, that they can have an opportunity to let us know,” he told Vision Australia Radio's Peter Greco.
“It’s also a way understand how new strategies, like working remotely, have been received.”
Listen to the full interview in the player below:
The survey will run until 31 December 2021.
It can also be taken over the phone by contacting our helpline on 1300 84 74 66.
Listen to David Woodbridge’s review of the Echo Dot in the player below: